Full-Time Working Mom

7 Successful Schedule Hacks For Full-Time Working Moms

Full-Time Working Mom Schedule Ideas Hey there MWR moms! πŸ‘‹ Tivy here! Your bestie in the mom and work hustle. Today, I’m sharing…

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Last Updated: November 14, 2023

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7 Successful Schedule Hacks For Full-Time Working Moms

Full-Time Working Mom Schedule Ideas Hey there MWR moms! πŸ‘‹ Tivy here! Your bestie in the mom and work hustle. Today, I’m sharing…

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Last Updated: November 14, 2023

Full-Time Working Mom

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Full-Time Working Mom Schedule Ideas

Hey there MWR moms! πŸ‘‹ Tivy here! Your bestie in the mom and work hustle. Today, I’m sharing a real-deal game-changer – the art of crafting a successful schedule. Why? Because, let’s be honest, life’s a constant juggle, especially for full-time working moms like us. A solid schedule isn’t about perfection; it’s about making the chaos a bit more manageable. Think of it as your roadmap through the day, helping you handle work, mom duties, and maybe snag a breather. So, no frills, just practical insights into why a well-thought-out schedule is the key to conquering our daily grind. Ready to dig in? Let’s roll! πŸŒͺοΈπŸ’Ό

1. The Power of Planning: Start Your Day Right πŸŒ…

Picture this: a calm morning where you’re not rushing around like a tornado. Set the tone for a productive day by waking up a bit earlier than the rest of the household. Use this time for a bit of self-care, whether it’s sipping a hot cup of coffee, enjoying a quick workout, or indulging in a few moments of quiet reflection.

Starting your day with intention can be a game-changer! Consider incorporating a short mindfulness exercise or jotting down three things you’re grateful for. This positive mindset boost will set the stage for a day filled with resilience and joy.

I wake up an hour earlier than my family so I can get some time alone in silence. I get my personal time with God, which puts me in an amazing mindset and mood for the rest of the day. Then, I’ll use up any leftover time to catch up on cleaning or laundry.

When you’re a full-time working mom, time is something you don’t want to waste. You want to utilize every minute you have in a productive and useful way. Start your day on a productive note, and who knows? Maybe the rest of your day will continue to be productive.

2. Time-Blocking: A Mom’s Best Friend ⏰

This is by far the biggest schedule hack of all time – time-blocking! Break your day into chunks and assign specific tasks to each block. This not only keeps you organized but also ensures you’re giving your full attention to each aspect of your life. Whether it’s dedicated work hours, family time, or a moment to catch up on household chores, time-blocking helps you be present in the moment. Experiment with themed blocks – perhaps a “creative hour” for work, a “family fun block” for quality time, and a “mindful moment” for self-care. The variety will keep your day exciting and well-balanced.

I like to break up my day into 3 hour blocks. They’re long enough to do something productive but short enough where I have time for other things in my day. I’m a full-time working mom that works from home and I homeschool my kids, so time blocks help me focus on work when I need to and my kids when I need to. It’s so helpful! Try it out today!

3. Batching: The Secret Sauce to Efficiency 🍲

Full-time working moms, meet your new best friend – batching. Instead of scattering tasks throughout the week, group similar activities together. For instance, designate specific days for grocery shopping, meal prepping, and household cleaning. This minimizes the mental load and maximizes your efficiency.

I hold grocery shopping for every other Wednesday morning. Since it’s during the week, the stores aren’t packed and I can take my time with my list. I shop for enough food and personal care to last me for 2 weeks – until the next grocery shopping day. I meal prep on Sundays so that I know what we’re eating for lunch and dinner for each day of the week. I can’t even explain to you how much time I’ve saved doing these things!

You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish when you tackle similar tasks in one go. Take it a step further by turning these batching sessions into mini celebrations. Blast your favorite tunes while cooking, make cleaning a family dance party, and turn grocery shopping into a solo adventure with your favorite podcast or audiobook.

4. Tech-Assisted Organization: Your Personal Productivity Sidekick πŸ“±

Embrace the wonders of technology to streamline your life. Utilize productivity apps to create to-do lists, set reminders, and sync calendars. This not only keeps you on top of your game but also frees up mental space for the things that truly matter – like that spontaneous dance party with your little ones!

Tech is your best friend when you’re a full-time working mom. I don’t keep anything in my mind – I write it down as soon as I think of it. If it’s related to my schedule, I put it in my Google Calendar. If it’s a To Do item, I put it in my Todo App. I use Notion to keep everything travel-related so I can easily pull things up when I need them.

Experiment with different apps to find what suits you best. Whether it’s a shared family calendar app or a task management app with satisfying checkmarks, let technology work its magic to simplify your day.

5. Delegate Like a Pro: You Don’t Have to Do It All 🀝

Let’s banish the supermom myth – you don’t have to do it all! Delegate tasks to your partner, kids (age-appropriate ones, of course!), or even consider outsourcing certain responsibilities. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It takes a village, and you deserve one too!

My village is super helpful! When there are times when I need a break or help with cleaning, I turn to them and they pick up the load for me. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Find your village and let them help you where they can.

Create a family chore chart or schedule a weekly family meeting to discuss and distribute responsibilities. Not only does this lighten your load, but it also instills a sense of teamwork and responsibility in your kids.

6. Flexibility is Key: Roll with the Punches πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ

Life is unpredictable, and plans may need to be adjusted. Embrace the power of flexibility. If something doesn’t go as planned, don’t beat yourself up. Adapt, adjust, and keep moving forward. A flexible mindset is a mom’s secret weapon against the unexpected twists and turns of daily life.

When my oldest daughter was born, I was so uptight and easily flustered. I let things get to me and I took everything so seriously. Now, I roll with the punches and life is way more enjoyable. Use your time block to remain flexible and batching to remain flexible. Just because you’re a full-time working mom doesn’t mean you need to be on the go full-time in your life.

Consider incorporating a weekly reflection session into your routine. Celebrate your victories, learn from the challenges, and use that insight to continuously refine your schedule. Flexibility doesn’t mean chaos – it means resilience.

7. Self-Care Rituals: Because You Deserve It πŸ’–

In the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to forget about yourself. Schedule regular self-care rituals, whether it’s a relaxing bath, a good book, or a virtual catch-up with friends. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury – it’s a necessity. Remember, a happy mom is a thriving mom! Elevate your self-care by creating a “mom sanctuary” – a dedicated space in your home where you can unwind. Fill it with things that bring you joy, whether it’s scented candles, a cozy blanket, or photos of cherished moments. This space will serve as a constant reminder of the importance of self-love in your busy life.

Personally, I love sitting on my big comfy couch with my Starbucks drink in one hand and my TV remote in the other hand. I have the coziest plush blanket I put around myself while I watch a show from my DVR (usually a show like The Voice) or a YouTube podcast episode. If my day gets crazy, I’ll let myself relax on the couch for a single episode. It usually gets my mind to a nice calm place where I can continue my boss mom life.

Find your ritual and make sure you allow yourself to relax when you need it.

We’ve Got This My Fellow Full-Time Working Moms

And there you have it, my fabulous full-time working mom! 🌟 These full-time working mom schedule ideas are designed to bring more balance and joy into your hectic life. I still don’t have perfect days, but implementing even a few of these ideas makes each day a little easier to handle.

Remember, you’re doing an incredible job, and it’s okay to ask for support. Embrace the chaos, find your rhythm, and let your days be a reflection of the amazing, capable woman you are. Cheers to conquering the world, one beautifully scheduled day at a time! πŸŽ‰πŸ’ͺ
